What Will Digital Marketing Look Like in 5 Years?

As digital trends continue to evolve, users will still rely on search, but they will use it in different ways. Optimizing websites will become less important than optimizing applications and providing rich answers. Many brands will become irrelevant if they don't recognize the millennial consumer as a generation, not just a youth niche market. Voice recognition search results will require more natural keywords than generic text-oriented keywords.

Influencer marketing has already grown significantly in recent years, with top influencers on platforms such as Instagram and YouTube gaining millions of followers and earning six-figure incomes from their brand partnerships. When it comes to personalized segmentation, tracking KPIs and other digital marketing tools will remain an integral part of the process. For many entrepreneurs and small businesses, digital marketing has become a way to gain a competitive edge in the market. Facebook is not the only platform that is changing; let's take a look at what the future of other social media platforms looks like.

Grant has extensive experience in e-commerce and digital marketing, and consistently provides high-quality customer service throughout the purchase process. This is a great challenge, but also a great opportunity for marketers to reach a growing customer base that can be reached directly through smartphones (many for the first time). As a modern marketing specialist, it is essential to constantly update your digital marketing plan to keep up with changes in content consumption. You may not know it, but more than 70% of people with one or more active digital assistants prefer to use voice commands instead of typing tasks.

When it comes to digital marketing, there is always a paradigm shift that forces companies and entrepreneurs to publish more personalized content, adopt new SEO rules and use intelligent digital technologies. At present, this is true on social networks and increasingly on other digital marketing channels, but in the next five years we will also see how traditional channels such as radio and television open up to receive marketing resources programmatically. We can expect to see more brands jumping on the augmented reality bandwagon and that technology will gradually become more common for serious marketing purposes rather than being a good trick. In fact, during the pandemic, many companies managed to make the transition to remote work and understood the importance of digital marketing.

With this growth in smart devices powered by voice search, more opportunities will arise to market them to their owners. If you haven't fully incorporated video into your brand's marketing yet, you're already behind, but it's not too late to do so.

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